Quality Tyres
Supplied by locals for locals
Express Tyres is your local tyre shop with the knowledge and product to get you the tyres you need. Whether it be for your performance car or your boat trailer, we have it all.

We have a fully stocked tyre shop that can guarantee same day tyres and very good service.

Brands We Stock
- Tyre Brands
- Mag Brand

*Free puncture repair offer is valid for car and 4×4 tyres. Free puncture repair is available to customers who have purchased tyres with Express Tyres (original purchase validation may be required). To ensure optimum tyre safety, only tyres that suffer a penetration in the tread area and meet standard criteria are repairable.
Contact Express Tyres
Johan de Bruin
Express Tyre Shop Manager
Our Location
11-13 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua
Get Directions